Your Movies Anywhere

It's easy to watch many of the movies you own anywhere on your Windows laptops. Let us help.

Offline Video Player

The easist way to organize and play your home movies, videos, and movies

Get it on Windows 10

How to play your DVDs

DVDs and Blu-Rays were nice technology when at home but lugging them around is a pain. The good news is that you don't have to. They can be easily copied to your computer at home. Let us show you how.

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Online Videos

Although online videos are usually played online, that doesn't have to be. There are several apps available that can download videos from your favorite services letting you play them while you're traveling without consuming your data.

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Premium experience, no monthly fee

Our goal is to create a great experience for watching videos without any having to pay monthly fees. We also respect your privacy. There's no tracking, advertizing, or credit card required.

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